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Integrating Demonstrations with a Sales Process

Posted on 03/03/2014 by Adam Roth

Neil Livingstone from CFO Advisory presents the importance and value of a well performed demonstration which should complement a selling process and a marketing process. See what results clients have had after short periods of applying the CFO Advisory expertise and implementing the right approach in demonstrating their products and services. In today’s...


How CFO Advisory Can Help Your Business

Posted on 02/27/2014 by Adam Roth

Neil Livingstone from CFO Advisory explains the 3 principle ways CFO Advisory helps business owners develop and improve their businesses. Learn how to generate growth then sustain the growth which becomes profitable instead of losing money. Finally, learn the secret of turning a profitable growth of your company into a lifestyle you...


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Matt Jenson of MJ Bale

Stephen Giderson of JimJam

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