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Some cool technology tips and gizmo’s

Posted on 02/01/2012 by wp

Bose MIE2 mobile headset I don't know about you, but I don't like walking around with one of those hands-free headsets sticking out of my ear. It may sound equally odd that I don't mind corded headsets. To get the best of both worlds, I've discovered mobile headphones from Bose. The MIE2...


How to choose the right keywords for Google

Posted on 01/25/2012 by wp

Choosing the right keywords for a website is absolutely crucial, however it’s probably one of the most common areas of online marketing that people stumble at. Lets cover the area of building sites for the user, in these post Google Panda times we now operate in. I’ve been and still am a big fan...


6 great online marketing tips

Posted on 01/17/2012 by wp

Here are 6 quick and easy tips I regularly implement for clients when we 1st start looking at their online marketing: Logo design If you are looking for a new logo don't pay thousands to a graphic designer we have a cheap tip for you. We use two companies called and will...


How to score well with Google

Posted on 01/12/2012 by wp

There has been a lot of talk in 2011 about the changes at Google, which we all refer to as Panda. That Panda caused quite a stir in the SEO community and everybody seemed to have an opinion, or a horror story of the “Panda attacking them”. In this post I’ll explain some...


The impact of the online retailing boom on Australian non food retailers

Posted on 12/22/2011 by wp

Given the post Christmas sales are almost upon us, I found a recent Morgan Stanley price comparison across 99 products (online versus in-store) particularly interesting. It showed that prices are 19% - 64% cheaper online, with books (64%) and cosmetics (44%) having the highest discounts. Others of note were apparel (30%), computing...


How to get your business online cheaply and make money online

Posted on 12/19/2011 by wp

Recent data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests that some 60% of Australian businesses still do not have a web presence. You are probably surprised by this stat. However I speak to a lot of business owners and it is consistent with my experience. And I would go one step...


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